This commercial for a new app called Chatbooks is everything.
I’d never heard of the app before I saw this video. Now, not only do I have the app, I signed up for the service and am currently stalking the woman in the video to see if she would like to be my new best friend. (As of publishing time, I have not heard back on my repeated friend requests.)
The ad, which is quickly going viral for its comedy genius, is aimed at moms who take a lot of pictures on their phone (so basically all moms) and leave them on Instagram and Facebook without printing them (so basically all moms). In it, the mom discusses her dislike of making photo books. She says, “They’re designed for moms with lots of free time: imaginary moms. But at least scrapbooking is great, if you have no job and no kids. So, not great.”
I never understood the whole scrapbooking phenomenon. I heard stories of women going away on “scrapbooking weekends” and assumed this was some sort of make-believe story wives told their husbands so he believed she was doing something “productive” instead of escaping home to go drinking with her girlfriends. And I always thought to myself, Well played, lady friend.
I have three kids and a full-time job. I don’t have time for this shit. As the video correctly points out, “I barely have time to keep them alive let alone print pictures of them.” I don’t even order prints online to fill half-naked picture frames in our home much less create elaborate photo books. But this video may be the answer to all our photo dilemmas.
Most of us today take and keep pictures on Instagram, Facebook, or similar social media sites, right? This is great for friends who follow us to see, but make printing or sharing with our kids or non-social media folks difficult. And because we all want to preserve memories of our families and friends, it would be nice to have them in print form. Enter Chatbooks, the app that automatically creates photo books from your phone. It creates a book every time you add 60 pictures to Instagram, Facebook, or your camera favorites. They have created the lazy people’s photo book. These are my people.
In the video, we get to see how nice it is for her kids to be able to sit and look at all the pictures she’s taken. Her son is perusing through one and asks, “Why is dad wearing a dress?” Fair question. She snaps back, “OK, that’s me. Alright? The short hair was a mistake.”
This video is comedy GOLD.
Chatbooks only takes 30 seconds to set up and it will forever send photo books to your house every time you get to 60 pictures. And she makes you feel kind of guilty if you don’t do it because it’s only $8 a book and she says really it’s only “thirty seconds to record the lives of your kids.” This is really no big deal because as she points out “technically that’s less time than it actually took to make the kids.”
**stops writing this so I can ugly cry/laugh into keyboard for full five minutes**
This isn’t even a sponsored post. I’d never even heard of Chatbooks before last night. But now they have one more customer. Because of my new best friend.