For most of us, certain questions take a lifetime to answer. Like, what would you do if you could do anything? How do we solve the refugee crisis? Why do people have toes? And, the one question that keeps so many people up at night: What’s the perfect ingredient to make pasta aglio e olio really “pop?”
You could forget about it and give up — or you could just ask your toddler.
Last week, Matthew Clark put that theory to the test. After creating an AMA thread with the title, “I’m 3. I know everything. AMA,” hundreds of Redditors responded with their questions, which he posed to his 3-year-old son, Caleb.
“I saw that it was regular people posting, not just famous people or people in high level careers. I know my son has funny answers to things and figured I would see if anyone wanted to see what his answers to their questions would be,” Matthew tells Babble.
The results were as profound as they were hilarious.
For example, at three years old, he’s already seemed to have found eternal youth …
Question: “Where do you see yourself in five years?”
“4,” he answered. (“Born on February 29th,” one user quipped.)
He totally nails the meaning of life in two words …
Question: “What’s the meaning of life?”
“You are.” (Awww.)
He shows how to make any bad situation better …
Question: “I’ve been trying to make pasta olio e aglio [sic] several times. But somehow I can’t make the dish “pop.” What do you suggest?”
“Some cake.” (Right? Cake trumps all.)
And when it comes to thinly veiled political questions, he simply sticks to the facts.
Question: “What would you call a person with funny hair, orange skin, and tiny hands?”
You can read the entire Q&A here. Says Matthew to Babble:
“His answers really surprised me. Some are your typical answers you would expect from a child … Others felt deep, like they came from someone with many years of life experience but still playful at heart.”
Indeed, Caleb is proving to be quite the little guru. And at over 1,000 comments to date on the AMA thread, there are no signs of the momentum slowing down. While Matthew didn’t expect the overwhelming response to his experiment, he added this to his original post: “I’m so happy that my son’s *all knowing wisdom* could make any of you smile, even if just for a moment.”
h/t: Buzzfeed