Jan 20, 2017

This Video of a Mom Expertly Sneaking Out of the Room While Her Kid Naps Is So Real It Hurts

Nobody wants to wake a sleeping baby. Least of all a sleep-deprived new mom, who just wants a few minutes alone in peace to wash her hair for the first time in two days or sneak in a few blissful minutes of Real Housewives, or hey, even stare at a blank wall in silence.

Such was the predicament Caryn Chelin Morris was likely in when she recently got her son to sleep in his crib — and devised an exit strategy from his room that was both expertly stealth and insanely hilarious. As a video monitor captured, the South African mom basically laid on the floor and slithered out of the room backwards in silence, so as not to make any noise or catch the attention of her snoozing kid.

And guess what? It worked.

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“The best thing about having cameras in your house is watching your wife trying to exit the room after putting your son down!” her husband Tyrone later wrote on Facebook. “Sometimes you have to use your initiative for your exit!! PS The SA Army are calling me for you to do training on the reverse leopard crawl!!”

That “reverse leopard crawl” now has the Internet laughing and __parents everywhere saying BEEN THERE. To date, the video has 112K likes on Facebook and over 7K shares, with more than a few commenters admitting, “I’ve done this a few times.”

Hundreds — if not thousands — of others tagged their spouses or friends in the comments, too.

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Because let’s face it, what parent hasn’t resorted to desperate measures to keep their sleeping kid sleeping?

I can only hope Caryn grabbed herself a well-deserved glass of wine after pulling off that feat.