Feb 4, 2015

Brothers Hilariously Recreate Childhood Photos for Mom


As parents, spouses, and just general human beings who have received underwhelming gifts a time or two, we have perfected the “it’s the thought that counts” line. After all, what else is there to say when your husband hands you an unwrapped spatula on your birthday? But there’s one lucky mama out there who just got the perfect gift, and guess what? It didn’t cost a thing. (Well, not a whole lot anyway.)

Vickie MacMillan of Pennsylvania had asked her sons for a calendar for Christmas, but what she received went above and beyond that. With the help of their dad, these ingenious men recreated childhood photos — and the results are pretty amazing.

“We planned it about one month in advance,” the eldest brother, Matt MacMillan, told Babble, “so we could pick out pictures, get the props, figure out locations, and visit thrift stores to get matching clothes. We took off work/school so we could take the pictures while my mom was at work and it took about 5 hours to take them all.”

According to their mom, “When I saw the calendar, I couldn’t get past the cover I was laughing so hard. To see my six-foot-tall son in the arms of my husband, and my 27-year-old in little kids clothes, and my middle son with his belly sticking out and the same grin from 20 years ago, was just too funny. I think I laughed ’til I cried.”

Knowing that they had created something pretty genius, the boys shared the photos on Imgur and Reddit — and watched them quickly go viral. For their mom, it’s especially exciting. “It is crazy to see their picture, especially [the one in the] bath tub, every time I go on the Internet. I truly understand the definition of ‘viral’ now. I really enjoy reading everyone’s comments about the pictures.”

After the crazy success they’ve seen, they’re now talking about doing it again in 20 years. We know we can’t wait to see that, but we’re sure their mom can’t wait either. “I am extremely proud of all three of my boys, not just for this but for many other reasons. One of my greatest joys in life is seeing them interacting together, as they did on this.”

Images courtesy of Matt MacMillan

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