Dec 18, 2014

Mom Hilariously Embarrasses Her Political Pundit Sons on Live TV

Once a mom, always a mom. Whether your kids are 4 or 40, it is a truth universally acknowledged that forever and in perpetuity, you have the absolute right to embarrass them when the mood strikes. That might mean kissing them hello in front of their friends at middle school when perhaps they feel too old for such salutations. Or it might mean reminding them during a toast at their wedding of the time they pulled down their pants in the library and peed in the Dr. Seuss section.

For one mom, it means calling up C-SPAN and chastising the political pundits, who happen to be her sons, for incessant squabbling.

Brad and Dallas Woodhouse, the former a Democrat and president of the Super PAC American Bridge, and the latter a Republican and the president of a conservative group, Carolina Rising, were recently engaged in a spirited debate about whether bipartisanship is good for governing. That’s when a caller named Joy from North Carolina phoned in on the public line and said, “I was very glad that this Thanksgiving was the year that you two were supposed to go to your in-laws. I’m hoping you’ll have some of this out of your system when you come here for Christmas. I would really like a peaceful Christmas.”

As soon as she opened her mouth, Dallas put his head in his hands and muttered, “Oh, God. It’s Mom.”

Since he had her on the line, the show’s moderator then asked Mrs. Woodhouse, “What it’s like to raise these two boys?”

“It hasn’t been easy,” she replied without missing a beat.

Just remember, moms will always keep you safe. But that doesn’t mean you’re ever safe from their special brand of humiliation. You can run, but you can’t hide. Especially on live TV.

“We love you, Mom,” Brad told her.

“And I love politics,” she replied.

Video courtesy of YouTube

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