I used to hate grocery shopping. Little did I know the store would soon become an oasis once I became a mom. That is, only if I go without the kids.
Last week, in a moment of pure desperation (and probably insanity) I took all three kids to the grocery store with me. We were out of nearly everything in the house and in order to make my oldest’s lunch the next day for school, I had to go. My husband had to work late and by the time he got home, the grocery store would have been closed for hours. So it left me with no choice but to go with all three kids in tow.
I was dreading the moment, mostly because it was witching hour, the kids were hungry, and the store was crowded. I sat in the car prior to going in making a short list in a way that was organized by the store aisles. I wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible.
The four of us headed in. I put the baby in the cart and my older girls took the kids carts and we were off. It wasn’t but two minutes later that my oldest ran off to the yogurt section and my youngest daughter ran into my heels three times with her cart — all while the baby was screaming. We had plenty of onlookers and got the “You have your hands full,” comment a dozen times. It was once I got to the coffee aisle to grind the coffee and the kids started jumping up and down to get that extra energy out that I thought to myself, “I should have just had her buy lunch tomorrow.”
I know we’ve all been there. Grocery shopping with kids can be quite tricky and exhausting. I asked other moms what thoughts they had while at the grocery store (both with kids and without) and know that we’ve all thought these things at least once!
With kids:
“What can I buy and secretly eat on the way home to avoid sharing and feeling guilty.” — Amanda L.
Genius idea! I usually buy stuff and keep it a secret, but wait until they are in bed. Why wait?
“Do we absolutely HAVE TO HAVE everything on this list?” — Sarah N.
I break it down to the bare minimum when I have the kids with me. The quicker I can get in and out of that place with all three, the better.
“Remind me again why exactly I wanted children?!” — Trisha C.
I think this when I have all three screaming for three different things at once. It’s usually one asking for a sample, the other asking to buy a food item that we don’t need, and the other begging to be held.
“Stick to the list.” — Jana K.
Yes. And don’t let the kids sway the list.
“Why am I here?” — Alison J.
Yep. If I don’t have a list with me, I’ll go in and out without the one thing I actually came in for. I’ll just blame it on mommy brain.
“Trip over. I’ll go later when daddy gets home.” — Sarah W.
That’s usually my strategy unless I am in desperate need of something.
“Head straight to the free cookie.” — Heather B
The more distraction, the more I can get done.
Without kids:
“This is like a vacation.” — Jenny J.
Yep. That just about sums it up perfectly.
What thoughts do you always have while at the grocery store with your kids?